Monday, December 6, 2010

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus seems to be this representation of the American tween in pop culture, even though she is not a tween, and she is not as popular as other celebrities with the tweens who come into the library.  My cousins went through a Miley phase that I feel just happened yesterday, but they believe it happened eons ago.  I have never witnessed any content put out by Cyrus, only second party opinion about her work, so I figured it was time to form my own opinion.  I've heard the song "Party in the USA" referenced places, but had never actually heard the song or seen the video.

The more tween focussed footage I watch, the more I realize it's about image over content.  The more I see this in tween culture, the more I realize this is evident in all sub cultures.  Visual media is very much about marketing to the selected audience.

Also, I'm confused about why certain actions outside this video a deemed inappropriate while this video is a huge part of her image.  It has been said that she has tarnished her reputation through certain action that were considered inappropriate (read: too sexy), but when the same sexiness is exuded in a three minute video it is seem as her performing.  It's more about when her actions take place (out in the open where she seems to be acting independently vs. under the watchful eye of a big record company) and the seemingly lack of control or the tight control that is put over her.  Scary.

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